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Farmer's Market

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Printable Food for Farmer's Market


Farm Word Problems


Cluck, Cluck Red Hen Puppets and Song

The Worm Game and Puzzle IMG_8779 (1).jpg

The Worm Game and Puzzle

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Plant Tags

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Parts of a Chicken Poster and Activity

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Farm Tracing

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Sheep-Wool Vocabulary Cards


Farm Pinpricking

Bee Game

Bee Game

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Butterfly Paper Craft

Counting Worms Booklet

Counting Worms Booklet

Build a Slug Habitat IMG_8782 (1).jpg

Build a Slug Habitat

Parts of a Slug Poster and Activity

Parts of a Slug Poster and Activity

Slug Pinpricking IMG_8785.jpg

Slug Pinpricking

Invertebrate Scavenger

Invertebrate Scavenger

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Farm Animal Riddles

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Parts of a Cow Poster and Activity

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Honeybee Extension Activities

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Farms Around the World Cards

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Garden Scavenger Hunt

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Tree and Leaf Sets Basket

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Leaf Symmetry Cutting

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Seed Observation Sheet

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Flower Petal Game

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Apple Unit Extension Bundle
