Apple Unit Extension Bundle

Apple Unit Extension Bundle
Use these activities to enhance your study of apples!
Apple A-Z Scavenger Hunt: Print the color letters on cardstock, cut and laminate for prolonged use. Hang these all around your classroom or home. Have copies of the documentation sheet available for the children with clipboards. They can walk around to search for each letter and cross them off as they are found. Also, consider laminating the documentation sheet so the children can use a dry erase marker to trace the letter as they’re found. There is a lowercase control sheet and an uppercase control sheet.
Apple Pinpricking: There are 2 designs for pinpricking included. Print them on construction paper and cut into quarters.
Apple Words: The color sheet with words can be printed, laminated, and hung around the room. Children can walk around the room with the documentation sheet on a clipboard to write the words as they are found. Alternatively they can be used with the Moveable Alphabet. We do an exercise called “Read. Spell. Write.”
Apple and Worm Booklet: Children can color, cut, assemble, and read this sweet little booklet which has a great lesson! There is a colored copy included as an example.
Apple Math: There is an addition sheet and a subtraction sheet. I like to have this available with dice so the children can roll them to create their own equations. I provide counters or bead stairs as well.