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Vehicle Sorting

Seven Continents Pinpricking IMG_5029.jpg

Seven Continents Pinpricking

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Map of the World

Jane Goodall Extension Activities IMG_6038.jpg

Jane Goodall Extension Activities

Ocean Extension Activities IMG_4981.jpg

Ocean Extension Activities

Madagascar Scavenger Hunt

Madagascar Scavenger Hunt

Apes and Primates IMG_8943.jpg

Apes and Primates

Photos of Jane Goodall IMG_8963.jpg

Photos of Jane Goodall

Vertebrate Definition Cards

Vertebrate Definition Cards

Vertebrate Non-Writing Scavenger Hunt and Sorting Activity

Vertebrate Non-Writing Scavenger Hunt and Sorting Activity

Vertebrate Scavenger Hunt

Vertebrate Scavenger Hunt

Vertebrates with Missing Initial Sounds

Vertebrates with Missing Initial Sounds

Vertebrate Riddles

Vertebrate Riddles

Vertebrates Sets Basket

Vertebrates Sets Basket

Invertebrate with Missing Sounds

Invertebrate with Missing Sounds

Invertebrate Riddles

Invertebrate Riddles

Invertebrate Addition Word Problems and Counters IMG_8769 (1).jpg

Invertebrate Addition Word Problems and Counters

The Worm Game and Puzzle IMG_8779 (1).jpg

The Worm Game and Puzzle

Big Cats Cards IMG_9131.jpg

Big Cats Cards

Build a Slug Habitat IMG_8782 (1).jpg

Build a Slug Habitat

Parts of a Slug Poster and Activity

Parts of a Slug Poster and Activity

Slug Pinpricking IMG_8785.jpg

Slug Pinpricking

Invertebrate Scavenger

Invertebrate Scavenger

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Roman Arches Photos

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Farms Around the World Cards

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Garden Scavenger Hunt

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Seed Observation Sheet

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Map and Flag of Mexico


Kahlo's "The Frame" Art Extension

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Animal Prints Cutting


Penguin Heights

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Penguin Cutting Strips


Weather Writing

I am a Cartographer

I am a Cartographer

Me on the Map Activity IMG_2557.jpg

Me on the Map Activity

Passport IMG_2437.jpg


Warthog 1-10

Warthog 1-10

Penguin 1-10

Penguin 1-10

Peacock 1-10

Peacock 1-10

Hedgehog 1-10

Hedgehog 1-10

Kangaroo 1-10

Kangaroo 1-10

Poison Dart Frog 1-10

Poison Dart Frog 1-10

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Beta Fish Poster and Activities

Animal Research Paper

Animal Research Paper
