Honeybee Extension Activities

Honeybee Extension Activities
I have created this bundle of activities to enhance your study of honeybees. You may be studying the life cycle and honey production. You can reinforce some of those concepts through the poem, song, games, recipe, and language activities included.
This download includes:
Bee Poem Poster: Print and hang this poster at child’s height. Recite and memorize this sweet poem. It is taken from the beginning of the book The Beeman by Laurie Krebs, which ought to be included in your study as well.
The Bee Book: The children can color, cut, staple and read this early reader. I have included a color version for you to use as an example as well.
Bee Game: Use a die to fill the honeycomb cells with eggs. This is a great way to practice counting, 1-1 correspondence, and turn taking. I recommend printing at least two boards on card stock and laminate for extended use. For added fine motor practice, use yellow modeling clay or playdough to form the eggs. You can also use pebbles, glass gems, or pompoms. Play until the cells are all full and then play again!
Cluck, Cluck Red Hen Lyrics and Puppets: This Raffi song is a wonderful one to sing while studying farm animals and, of course, honeybees. Print the animals on card stock, have the children color or paint them, cut them out and tape them to craft sticks to create puppets to use while singing the song. There is a colored in version included as well. Check out my IGTV for a video of the song (@bluebirdmontessori)
Honey Butter Recipe: This is a simple and tasty honey recipe!
Flower Pinpricking Template: Print this on a variety of color construction paper and have available with a thick piece of felt and large pushpin.